Registered Bike Shops

Cycling BC’s HopOn program would like to acknowledge our HopOn Fleet maintenance partners:

Their support helps HopOn provides safe and functioning bikes for our in-school programs.   Thank you for your support!

We would also like to acknowledge our registered youth bicycle shops across the province. These bike shops are kid-friendly and provide knowledgeable staff ready to answer any questions you may have about getting started in cycling.

Zone City RYBS
2 Kelowna Kelowna Cycle
3 Mission Wentings Cycle
4 Port Moody Caps Port Moody
4 Burnaby Jubilee Cycle
4 Burnaby Trek Bikes – Burnaby
4 Surrey The Bike Zone – Surrey
5 Vancouver Kissing Crows Cyclery
5 Vancouver Dunbar Cycles
5 Vancouver Bicycle Sport Pacific
5 North Shore Obsession Bikes
5 Whistler Whistler Village Sports
5 Squamish Republic Cycles
6 Victoria Oak Bay Bicycles Westshore
6 Courtenay Mountain City Cycles
6 Courtenay Trail Bicycles

Please contact us to learn more about affiliating with Cycling BC as a registered youth bike shop. Affiliated shops receive recognition on HopOn’s website and invitation to advertise local sales in HopOn’s quarterly parent newsletter. In exchange, registered bike shops agree to showcase Cycling BC information cards in their brochure section and accommodate new cycling families to help grow cycling.