Start Your Own Program

Cycling BC’s HopOn After-School programming is designed for kids who want to improve their riding skills and make friends through cycling.

With training, resources, and support from Cycling BC, HopOn After-School programs can be organized by clubs, teams, teachers, parents, or other cycling enthusiasts looking to create positive opportunities for children in their community.

At this stage you have probably already reviewed our overview of the HopOn After-School program and are eager to start your own, so what are we waiting for—let’s get started!

Designing Your Program

When designing your program, think about who your program will be targeted for.

  • Review our HopOn skill levels to determine what ability levels you will cater to.
    • Because of the small instructor ratios, please only choose one level per available instructor.
    • If you want to run a split-level program (e.g. levels 2-3), you can do so with two instructors.
  • The age and ability of the riders can also help you decide what time of the day to start your program.
  • Consider the location of your program. Are you meeting at a school or park? If so, will you need a permit or land use approval?
  • Consider how you will set up your program’s registration process using Interpodia’s CCN platform, a one-time fee or drop-in. (we can help with that).

We recommend keeping your program fees competitive with other local after-school programs in your area while keeping them affordable for families.

If you have questions about starting or designing a program, please email

Requirements and Eligibility

To start a HopOn After-School program and become a HopOn delivery partner, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Instructors
    • 19+ to start/organize a program.
    • 16+ to instruct the program unsupervised.
    • 14+ to start training and instruct with supervision by an adult instructor
    • All instructors must hold Cycling BC’s HopOn Instructor (ORANGE) certificate.
  • Program Design
    • Instructor-to-participant ratios must be at least 1:6 on trails and 1:10 on grass fields.
    • Follow HopOn’s brand guidelines (provided post-application)
  • Post-Program
    • Submit a post-program report with photos to Cycling BC within 14 days of your program end date.

Support and Resources

After-school program delivery partners receive admin support from Cycling BC to setup:

  • Program Registration
  • Permit Applications (special cases only)
  • Program Promotion (28 days’ notice required)

HopOn Instructors use Cycling BC’s accreditation system ( to create an account and work towards the HopOn Instructor certificate.

To help you start your program successfully, HopOn After-School instructors can purchase a HopOn Instructor Backpack, including a first aid kid, cones, ropes, frisbees, balloons, skid boards, a multi-tool and laminated curriculum cheat sheets. Instructors may also purchase our official Cycling BC HopOn T-shirt.

By affiliating as a Cycling BC club and HopOn delivery partner, you receive the following:

  • Access to viaSport Grants
  • Cycling BC liability insurance coverage
  • 100% of program revenue, and
  • Participants from lower-income families can apply for a $400/yr  KidSport Grant to help pay registration fees.

Costs and Fees

Cycling BC Affiliation $200 / yr*
HopOn Brand Recognition $200 / yr
Instructor Training $664/instructor**
Backpack (optional) $300/instructor
T-Shirt (optional) $35-$45 per instructor (+-6 orders)

*Special cases will be reviewed by Cycling BC HopOn staff and intended for new groups who do not have the support of an existing club. In this case, applicants may access additional administrative and financial support. However, program revenue is withheld until post-program reports are submitted.

**This fee includes $350 to Cycling BC, $185 to viaSport/other, and $129 for insurance and background checks. Education modules delivered outside the Lower Mainland may be subject to additional travel fees.