An event every week that begins at 4:30 pm on Wednesday, repeating until August 30, 2023
HopOn Chase Summer Drop-In p/b Chase Young Learner’s Society Cycling Club
Hello! I’m Kristen From, and this summer, our HopOn Instructors at the Chase Young Learner’s Society Cycling Club are running the HopOn program in the Shuswap Regional District for the 3rd year. Our program helps young riders learn new skills, build confidence, make friends, and appreciate the challenges of outdoor exercise.
Our 2023 summer drop-in program includes two groups for riders with skill levels 2-3 or 4-5 (ages 6-12). Each session includes a skill, a game, and a bike ride in the community. Each session starts and ends in town at Ashton’s house. Parents are welcome to participate in the session and provide support. Participants will need their bike, a helmet, and their STOKE!
As recipients of a HopOn Development Grant, our instructors have registered with Cycling BC, undergone NCCP training, and completed a background screening. In addition, Cycling BC’s insurance policy with Gallagher provides sports accident and general liability coverage for instructors and participants.
Moreover, this program has received Sport Canada CSAI funding and is available FREE OF CHARGE to all participants.
Instructor Team: