Home of the Nakusp and Area Bike Society, Mt. Abriel is a mountain bike area focused on safe and accessible trails, including a major emphasis on adaptive mountain biking.
Thanks to Sport Canada funding in 2023, local champion and school educator Adam Balls helped start a new HopOn Nakusp program with Nakusp Elementary.
“I first met Adam at the Mountain Bike Tourism Asssociation’s 2022 Symposium at SilverStar resort and we immediately saw opportunities to work together and make cycling accessible in his community.” – Ben Chaddock, HopOn Manager
Cycling BC visited in early May and trained 4 instructors, including Brent, Inge and Carl. The weekend featured two wonderful days of sunshine, great local hospitality, and great support from the local municipality, providing wonderful indoor and outdoor teaching areas. On Saturday evening, Adam and Ben explored the Mt. Abriel trail system.
“The trails were a lot of fun and although I felt a bit rusty, just like Adam shared with me previous, NABS spent a lot of time marking the trails, and designing the park to best suit both families, adaptive riders, and even the most skilled mountain bikers.” – Ben
The HopOn Nakusp program focused entirely on June 2023 programming and worked with 2 school groups and we are looking forward to expanded programming in 2024. Stay tuned for updates.